At Faria Renewables we firmly believe that our employees are our greatest asset and, therefore, we have developed a series of working frameworks to ensure their professional development, suitable working conditions and that the company’s values and principles are present at all levels of Faria Renewables’ operations.
Diversity and equal opportunities form an important component of Faria Renewables’ HR strategy. The Faria Renewables’ Team is made up of people of various origins, cultures, religious affiliations, genders and ages. One of our main goals is talent attraction, development and retention.
We commit to continue to contribute to real, effective equal opportunities between men and women within the company.
– More than 46% woman on the staff

One of our basic principles is to ensure a complete absence of discriminatory practices, in any of their forms, as a mechanism to control scrupulous compliance with its principles and values, as well as current law.
We have defined a procedure to be followed to ensure prevention and quick resolution of claims relating to non-compliance and/or harassment, in any of their forms, with the due guarantees and taking constitutional and employment regulations into account, as well as the declarations relating to the fundamental principles and rights in the workplace.
We promote the constant development of health & safety at work with the aim of continuous and sustainable improvement of the work environment. The maintenance of suitable health and safety conditions for our employees is one of the basic principles of our activity.
We are aware that Faria Renewables is a success because it has a staff that is committed to our project and, therefore, we consider it essential that they can make their professional lives appropriately compatible with their private lives. We have, therefore, developed a series of flexible programs, directed at facilitating this balance and promoting the well-being of our employees and their surroundings.
As Faria Renewables we are a young, dynamic company and we want to help young people to have their first experience in the world of work with us. We are looking forward to have agreements with several universities and education centers, through which will be able to offer work experience contracts in the various departments at our company.