ARIA Renewables among the successful companies of the 2nd auction in Greece, for standalone batteries, with a 49,9 MW BESS project electrified within 2025. FARIA Renewables, faithful to its strategic planning and goals for the development of its portfolio, through BAT…
Faria Renewables Expands Its Portfolio In Greece
Faria Renewables S.A. announces the expansion of its Ready to Build portfolio, with the acquisition of two Photovoltaic parks with a total installed capacity of 19,8 MW in Greece. Their construction will initiate within Q2 2024, and COD is expected in…
ΑΠΕ, Πυλώνας Ανάπτυξης και Επενδύσεων.
Με μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 7 Νοεμβρίου στο Παρίσι, η εκδήλωση με θέμα «ΑΠΕ, Πυλώνας Ανάπτυξης και Επενδύσεων. Προοπτικές ελληνογαλλικής συνεργασίας» που διοργάνωσε το Γραφείο Οικονομικών και Εμπορικών Υποθέσεων της Ambassade de Grèce à Paris – Embassy of Greece in Paris, σε συνεργασία με…
5th Renewable & Storage Forum
On November 2 and 3, 2023, the 5th Renewable & Storage Forum was organized by, which covered all issues related to Renewable Energy Sources and Storage in Greece. It’s worth to mention that at this conference all views, proposals, as well…
Renewable & Storage Forum Announcement
More than happy to announce that our Vice President & CEO Dimitris Kintsakis and our Electrical & Storage Manager Agisilaos Mantziaris will participate as speakers at the Renewable & Storage Forum organized by Energypress. They will focus on and discuss two…
11th International Night Half Marathon of Thessaloniki
We are thrilled to share that our Faria Renewables team participated in the 11th International Night Half Marathon of Thessaloniki! It was an incredible opportunity to strengthen our team bond, work together towards a common goal, and all for a great…
Congratulations to all that contributed for the realization of the first #GreekOffshoreEnergy2023 Conference at the Yacht Club of Greece organized by INTEC S.A. , SEANERGY BY BLUESIGN and AKROCEAN with the support of the CCI France Grèce and Cluster Maritime Français! Our FARIA Renewables S.A. Team had an amazing experience over the past 2 days, starting…
Offshore Renewable Energy Greece conference
Make sure to save the date and join us at the 📍 Athens 📆 October 19, 2023 #fariarenewables #renewableenergy #conference #offshoretenewableenergy #GreekOffshoreEnergy2023
Annual Capenergie Day
We at FARIA Renewables S.A. are more than grateful that we had the opportunity to participate in the annual Capenergie Day with our partners at Omnes. We are thrilled being part of this entrepreneurs team of Omnes Capenergie funds allowing us to share facilitated knowledge and…
Hellenic Association For Energy Economics (HAEE)
The Faria Renewables Team at the 8th Hellenic Association For Energy Economics (HAEE) Energy transition symposium at the Institut français de Grèce (IFG).